Tailgating Policy: Tailgating at Gillette Stadium
Tailgating in general parking lots may begin when the lots open to general parking unless directed by parking/security or public safety officials. However, open fires are not allowed. All fires must be contained within a suitable and appropriate fire burning device and must be movable in the event of an emergency. “Fire pits” with open flames are not considered movable in the event of an emergency, and therefore are not allowed. All fires and/or grills should not be left unattended. Used charcoal briquettes and/or other burning material must be disposed of properly and not left on the parking surface to burn out.
Parking Lot Info
4 Hours Prior to Kickoff.
2 Hours postgame for day games
Immediately after game concludes for night games.
Yes, but no open flames
PRICING (reserved in advance):
Delayed Exit Lot: FREE - Stadium Side: $80
PRICING (pay on arrival): General P10/11: $50 regular season - Buses, Limos, RVs, Sprinter/Econoline vans: $150
ADA with Placard: $50 regular season.
Food and Cleanup
Consider the weather when planning food for your tailgating, such as chili on cold game days. Using plastic storage containers will keep food organized and ease cleanup. Bring trash and recycling bags with you to ensure you leave nothing behind and discard them in the proper receptacles.
Signage and Tents
Commercial signing of any kind is prohibited. Signage that could be deemed vulgar or offensive will not be permitted. Tents and pop-up tents are not allowed in the parking areas.
Alcohol is permitted in the parking lots for tailgating. Fans must be 21 years of age and be able to show proof of age to purchase. Fans that are deemed too intoxicated will not be allowed in the stadium